depression counselling cheltenham

Depression Counselling

Depression is a word used to describe how someone feels when they cannot cope. Perhaps life is overwhelming and the feeling of hope is far off and unlikely. The word depression can carry assumptions for both the sufferer and onlooker.

Depression may feel crushing leaving you physically incapable. Moreover tears and other strong emotions such as anger may spring out of nowhere. Additionally other feelings may be experienced including crippling low self esteem. Perhaps anxiety occurs and the inability to trust others makes life feel difficult.

– Feeling unworthy

At Cheltenham Counsellor I call this a “symptom” word. How the result of life challenges both past and present can leave us feeling unworthy and depressed.

– Become the person you want to be

My aim is to form a relationship with you; to explore your feelings and understand where they have come. As such, I would hope from this work you would be able to become the person you truly want to be. Ultimately for life to feel safe and one you want to embrace.

Depression can be crippling; let me help

Linked in profile for Cheltenham Counsellor David Sherborn-Hoare
Telephone: 07702 155267

Cheltenham Counsellor - practicing in Cheltenham and  serving Cirencester, Stroud, Gloucester, Tewkesbury and Northleach. Within 30 minutes by car.

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