Child in the Adult

Feb 19, 2018

Did you know that 95% of perception of ourselves in the world is shaped by the time we are 3? Therefore becoming older can be difficult; maturing physically into an older person from teens to twenties, thirties and into old age.

– Childhood experiences

We all carry within ourselves ungrown elements; the legacies of childhoods from unresponsive or unhelpful responses from the caregiver.

– Perceptions in childhood

In therapy one of the first assumptions that I try to overcome are these perceptions; where anxiety is created as an adult with another adult this will usually come from those perceptions created in childhood.

– Understanding as a child

Clarity will often come when they are able to understand the reaction of the child to behaviour. What meaning was contained for the child and how that can lead to internal convictions about relationships that are carried into adult life.

– Understanding as an adult

I help the client to understand the nature of their response. By and large the client will use their understanding of their feelings through the lens of an adult.

Child to adult - Cheltenham Counsellor

Do you want to address things from your childhood?

Linked in profile for Cheltenham Counsellor David Sherborn-Hoare
Telephone: 07702 155267

Cheltenham Counsellor - practicing in Cheltenham and  serving Cirencester, Stroud, Gloucester, Tewkesbury and Northleach. Within 30 minutes by car.

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