counselling for fear - cheltenham counsellor

Fear Counselling

Fear can conjure up images closely associated with terror. However, clinically, the symptom described as ‘fear’ can be all consuming, in the same way as ‘terror’ is. A life with fear is constantly threatening.

– Not aware

This degree and depth of suffering is often associated with experiences, in early life, which became traumatic. Sufferers may not be aware of the depth of pain they endured. Neither of the necessity to protect themselves with unconscious coping strategies. These strategies are often so effective at ‘making life work’ that realising the significance may be difficult. Fear can be a deceiving condition.

Sufferers may think that no-one likes them; they are no good at anything; that life is constantly threatening. Life may be experienced as intensely untrustworthy and therefore fear-full.

– Prone to addictions

Physically sufferers from this pervasive fear may be prone to addictions. They may find it difficult to relax because they are constantly on high alert. This fight or flight feeling of waiting to defend against the next perceived threat. As such the adrenalin constantly runs around the body.

In working with you I would hope to create together a therapeutic relationship that would provide the safe, secure environment from which to explore the depth of your feelings. As such we would look at the source of pain and fear. Together we will work through what has been painful and challenging to have created such feelings. In turn this will help to establish a way of feeling less threatened and more comfortable.

Don't live in fear; let me help

Linked in profile for Cheltenham Counsellor David Sherborn-Hoare
Telephone: 07702 155267

Cheltenham Counsellor - practicing in Cheltenham and  serving Cirencester, Stroud, Gloucester, Tewkesbury and Northleach. Within 30 minutes by car.

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