1 in 10…

Feb 17, 2015

Relationship, or at least to be able to give and to receive qualities that create fulfilling relationships, could be said to be the ultimate purpose for our life on earth.  It is certainly at the heart of each of the main faiths.  Many of us are pretty good at giving of themselves for others (although motive is an interesting point of study for another time) however it is our capacity to be in fulfilling relationship with ourselves that is the foundation for becoming the person we were truly born to be for ourselves and others.  Once we travel along that road we find ourselves becoming more attuned to being who we really are with ourselves and others.

Recent government research, published on 29th January (‘Measuring National Well-being’) reports that 1 in 10 of us are lonely at any one time; it is also estimated that 1 in 10 have some form of depression.  To restore or to achieve mental wellness involves supportive, empathic, honest relationship; rather unfairly it is also often the case that our mental un-wellness results from an absence of early loving relationship that reaches it’s tentacles deep into our longer lives.

At the same time 10% of those in need of counselling wait over a year and 40% wait 3 months to see an NHS counsellor and then receive just 6 sessions.  i wonder just how much money would eventually be saved if counselling were taken as seriously as the neuroscientific evidence suggests it should be in making a real difference to real lives.  Until that happens I shall continue to provide counselling support to all those in need with a special focus on the low and unwaged among us.

if you are feeling in need of some help

Linked in profile for Cheltenham Counsellor David Sherborn-Hoare
Telephone: 07702 155267

Cheltenham Counsellor - practicing in Cheltenham and  serving Cirencester, Stroud, Gloucester, Tewkesbury and Northleach. Within 30 minutes by car.

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